“Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.” – Michael Jordan

It has always been important for CenterBeam to create an environment where everyone feels like family along with an aire of opportunity. No one within our team feels like they can do it all…We all understand that multi brains are better than one. And it is most important that we help to lift each other up and to bring the best out of one another. Together, we can accomplish great things for ourselves and for others…simultaneously.

“We Make A Living By What We Get, And We Make a Life By What We Give”

Our team at CenterBeam Real Estate takes this seriously. We always encourage our team members to do whatever it takes to change a life or help another person out. Even in the smallest of ways. Below you will find photos of our recent trip to Haiti. We were able to help donate enough money for a neighborhood well which allows for fresh drinking water for these 200 school kids. We figure, if we pay it forward then one of these children will watch our actions and do the same for one of their classmates or neighbors. In Haiti, there’s simply not a lot of positive role models around when you currently in survival mode every day. We believe in 5 main things:

Be a Positive Person
Be genuine
Be a Good Example To Others
Be kind
Help Someone Without Asking